Tuncay Sahin

ICT Engineer | Docent ICT & Trainer

This topic provides the information needed to configure AD DS on Windows 2008 R2 Server Core Server. It assumes that Windows already is installed as a Server Core until the first boot of Windows into the desktop where only a Command shell is available.

1. Basic Configuration of  Windows Server 2008 R2 Core:

  • Configure Hostname

netdom renamecomputer %computername%   /newname:YourServerName

  • Configure IP Address

netsh interface ipv4 set address name="Local   Area Connection" source=static address= mask=   gateway=

  • Configure DNS servers

netsh interface ipv4 set dns name="Local Area   Connection" source=static address= primary

  • Confirm IP setup information

ipconfig /all

  • Reboot

shutdown -r -t 0

  • Join domain and reboot

netdom join %computername% /domain:YourDomainName

  • Activate Windows 2008 R2

cscript C:windowssystem32slmgr.vbs –ato

  • Enable RDP

cscript c:windowssystem32scregedit.wsf /AR 0


2. Configure Active Directory

  • To deploy a new Active Directory Forest

Dcpromo /replicaOrnewDomain:Domain /NewDomain:Forest /NewDomainDNSName:mcts.com /ConfirmGC:yes [/Username:administrator /Password:*] /SafeModeAdminPassword:p@$$w0rd

  • To deploy a new Active Directory domain in existing Forest

  • To deploy an additional domain controller

dcpromo /unattend /replicaOrNewDomain:replica /replicaDomainDNSNAME:YourDomainName /ConfirmGC:Yes [/UserName:YourDomainNameAdministrator /Password:*] /safeModeAdminPassword:YourPasswordHere


Dcpromo Parameters

/unattend Specifies   an unattended installation in which you provide installation parameters and   values at the command line.
ChildName:"child_domain_name" Specifies   the single-label Domain Name System (DNS) name of the child domain.
ConfirmGc:{Yes   | No} Specifies   whether you want the domain controller to be a global catalog server.
CreateDNSDelegation:   { Yes | No} Indicates   whether to create a DNS delegation that references the new DNS server that   you are installing along with the domain controller. Valid for Active   Directory–integrated DNS only.

The   default is computed automatically based on the environment.

DNSOnNetwork:{<Yes>   | No} Specifies   whether DNS service is available on the network. This parameter is used only   when the IP setting of the network adapter for this computer is not   configured with the name of a DNS server for name resolution. No indicates   that a DNS server will be installed on this computer for name resolution.   Otherwise, the IP settings of the network adapter must be configured with a   DNS server name first.

The   default is Yes.

DomainLevel:{0   | 2 | 3 | 4} Specifies   the domain functional level during the creation of a new domain. A value of 0   specifies Windows 2000. A value of 2 specifies Windows Server 2003. A value   of 3 specifies Windows Server 2008. A value of 4 specifies Windows Server   2008 R2.

The domain   functional level cannot be lower than the forest functional level, but it can   be higher.

The   default is automatically computed and set to the existing forest functional   level or the value that is set for /ForestLevel.

DomainNetBiosName:"domain_NetBIOS_name" Assigns a   NetBIOS name to the new domain.
ForestLevel:{<0>   | <2> | 3 | 4} Specifies   the forest functional level when you create a new forest. A value of 0   specifies Windows 2000. A value of 2 specifies Windows Server 2003. A value   of 3 specifies Windows Server 2008. A value of 4 specifies Windows Server   2008 R2.

The   default forest functional level in Windows Server 2008 when you create a new   forest is Windows 2000 (0).

The   default forest functional level in Windows Server 2008 R2 when you create a   new forest is Windows Server 2003 (2).

Do not use   this parameter when you install a domain controller in an existing forest.

InstallDNS:{Yes   | No} Specifies   whether the DNS Server service should be installed. The default is   automatically computed based on the environment. This parameter replaces AutoConfigDNS.
NewDomain:{Tree   | Child | <Forest>} Indicates   the type of domain that you want to create: a new domain tree in an existing   forest, a child of an existing domain, or a new forest.

The   default is new forest.

NewDomainDNSName:"DNS_name_of_domain" Specifies   the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) for the new domain.
ParentDomainDNSName:"DNS_name_of_domain" Specifies   the FQDN of an existing parent domain. You use this parameter when you   install a child domain.
ReplicaDomainDNSName:"DNS_name_of_domain" Specifies   the FQDN of the domain in which you want to install an additional domain   controller.
ReplicaOrNewDomain:{<Replica>   | ReadOnlyReplica | Domain} Specifies   whether to install an additional domain controller (a writable domain   controller or an RODC) or to create a new domain.

The   default is to install an additional writable domain controller.

ReplicationSourceDC:"DNS_name_of_DC" Indicates   the FQDN of the partner domain controller from which you replicate the domain   information.
SafeModeAdminPassword:"password" Supplies   the password for the administrator account when the computer is started in   Safe Mode or a variant of Safe Mode, such as Directory Services Restore Mode.

The   default is an empty password. You must supply a password.

UserDomain:"domain_name" Specifies   the domain name for the user name (account credentials) for installing a   domain controller.

Use this   parameter in conjunction with the UserName parameter.

UserName:"user_name" Specifies   the user name (account credentials) for the operation. If no value is   specified, the credentials of the current user are used for the operation.

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