Web Server
This document will show you how to put the site into a maintenance mode, during site updates, without restarting Apache. In this document it’s assumed you already have a custom maintenance page to inform your visitors the site is down for maintenance.
This tutorial will help you to sync data between two (web) servers with “Rsync“ for example to minimize/eliminate downtime/data loss of your web servers.
Rsync (Remote Sync) is a command tool to copy and synchronize data locally across directories, across disks and remotely across systems to perform data backups and mirroring between two Linux systems.
This article describes how to enable Apache GZip compression to save bandwidth and speed up your site.
Be aware of increase of the cpu cost by adding a compression to your site!
Install the mod_deflate module
Once the… Continue reading
Apache can be configured in reverse proxy (gateway) mode. Then Apache is acting to clients just like an ordinary web server. The client makes ordinary requests for content in the name-space of the reverse proxy. The reverse proxy then decides where to send those requests, and returns the content as if it was itself the origin.
This document describes scenarios to setup multiple web sites running on a single Apache server, via name-based or IP-based virtual hosts. The term Virtual Host refers to practice of maintaining more than one server on one machine, as differentiated by their apparent hostname.
This document describes the steps to get WordPress running on a Linux Server, for example Cent OS. It assumes that the Linux Server is already installed and preconfigured (networking, updates etc.)
To offload heavily-used webservers, you can add more webservers and setup Apache Loadbalancer in front to distribute all incoming requests to your backend web servers.
This document describes the steps to get WordPress running on IIS and MS SQL Server. It assumes that Windows Server 2012 R2 x64 is already installed and preconfigured (networking, updates etc.) Continue reading
This document describes a basic Apache installation and configuration. Apache is a free open source software which runs web servers.
If you wish to redirect users from the non-secure site to the SSL site, you can use the RewriteEngine directive inside the non-secure VirtualHost in your configuration (vhost.conf) of apache web server: