Linux (RHEL / CentOS)
This article will show how to disable SELinux as some software do not support this Linux kernel security module that provides the mechanism for supporting access control security policies.
Display current state of SELinux
# sestatus
SELinux… Continue reading
You can use a Proxy Server to access Internet at Shell Prompt by setting the http_proxy variable.
This allows you to connect text based session and/or applications via the proxy server.
Cron is an linux utility to schedule jobs (commands or shell scripts) to automate system maintenance and/or administration.
The configuration file is located in “/var/spool/cron/username”. The command “crontab –e” will work like opening and editing the file in “vi”… Continue reading
Rsync is an utility to (remote) synchronize files for backup/mirroring purposes. Continue reading
If you have too much Linux systems to manage them manually, this document will provide you the centralized solution to manage them remotely and in bulk. Continue reading
Every command you run is recorded. You can check and reuse the command by showing the command history. Also you can check whe a command was runned.
You can use the arrow-up key to scroll through the commands last runned.… Continue reading
This document guides you through the steps for adding a new disk space to your Linux system or increasing an existing volume.
This document describes how you can boot your Linux system into the Text-mode
Continue reading
This document contains an automatic ftp script to upload/backup files to a remote ftp server.
You can schedule this script to use this as a simple backup solution.
This article explains how you can arrange login to a remote Linux server without entering a password. Continue reading