Tuncay Sahin

ICT Engineer | Docent ICT & Trainer

VMware can be protected by using Array-Based Replication at the storage layer by replicating VMware datastores to a Recovery Site.

All the vm’s at the Protected site are divided into datastores which are mirrored by Array-Based Replication capabilities of the array vendor to peer arrays at the Recovery site. In case of a disaster these datastores can be mapped to the VMware Cluster at the Recovery site.
This ownSRM tool is used to easily add vm’s from these replicated datastores to your Recovery Site.
Below a quick how-to for using this own Site Recovery Management tool.


  • VMware vSphere PowerCLI & ownSRM PowerShell script (download).
  • The mirorred Datastores must be already mounted on the VMware Cluster at the Recovery site.

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